Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Nama-Nama Indah dari berbagai negara

Beautiful Adara (Greek)
Adelia Noble (Germany)
Beautiful Adena (Greece)
Adira Strong (Jewish)
Adonijah Beautiful (Spain)
Adoria Beloved (Latin)
The beloved Adora (Latin)
Adrienne Rich (France)
Flowering Adsila (Native American)
Loving Aiko (Japan)
Aimee Beloved (French)
Alana Peace (Ireland)
Ambitious Alanza (Spain)
Alina Light (Slavic)
Aline Honest (Scotland)
Alisha Noble (Germany)

Almeta Ambitious (Latin)
Alvina Friend (UK)
Both liver Amabel (Latin)
Precious Amada (Spanish)
Precious Amandla (African)
Ambrose Eternal (Hebrew)
Ames Friends (France)
Amira expression (Jewish)
Anevay American Leaders
Annora Light (Greece)
Anthea Flowers (Greece)
Anthea Goddess of virtue (Hebrew)
Antonite Youth (Greece)
Anya Full of glory (Hebrew)
Ardelle is very enthusiastic (Latin)
Ardelle Warm (Latin)
Ardelle Persistence (Native American)
Ardith flower gardens (Jewish)
Areta wise girl (Greece)
Holy Ariane (France)
Armila Bracelet (Latin)
Audrey Noble (France)
Makmur Aurelia (Latin)
Happy Aurelia (Latin)
Austrin Great (Latin)
Virgin Avisa soft (Latin)
Ayana Flowering (Native American)
The protected Azalia (Hebrew)
Azana Megah (Africa) top
Basilia Queen of Great (Greece)
Belicia Servant of God (Spanish)
Belva Purnama beautiful children (Native American)
Belva Honest (Latin)
Pearl Berly green sea (Greece)
Courageous Bernessa TeutIc
Precious gem Beryl (Hebrew)
Blythe Happy (UK) top
Beauty Callysta remarkable (Greece)
Candida White light (Latin)
Carissa Anggun (Greece)
Cascata Falls (Italy)
Cathilin beautiful eyes (Celtic)
True Pure Catriona (Celtic)
Celena Stars (Greece)
Celesta Heaven (Latin)
Celestyn Heaven (Latin)
True Pure Chastine (Latin)
Chenoa white Pigeons (Native American)
Chesna Tranquility (Slavic)
Famous Chiara (Italy)
Anggun Charis (Greek)
Cicely Music (Latin)
Cira Sun (Italy)
Clarance Very famous (Latin)
Clarinta the famous little one (Latin)
The child's name glorious Cleonima (Greece)
Interest Clianta victory (Greece)
Clorinda Renowned for her beauty (Latin)
Cloris fragrant flowers (Latin)
Cmille Greatness (Latin)
Concordia Harmony (Latin)
Concordia Selaras (Latin)
Warm Cordelia (Latin)
Cordelia Both the liver (Latin)
Cottina Crown flower (Greece)
CYMA Elegance (Hebrew) top
Damara Gadisyang beautiful (Greece)
Damita small Nobility (Spain)
The wise wife Danella TeutIc
Darda Pearls of wisdom (Hebrew)
A very lovable Darlene (Anglo Saxon)
Deana Heaven (Latin)
Demetria cover the earth (Greek)
Deron Belongs to the Lord Armenia
Devin Poetry (Ireland)
Didrika Leader (Germany)
Sad Dolores (Spanish)
Sunrise Dongsheng (China)
Dorinda Prize (Spain)
Dyani Deer (Native American) top
Women are great Earlene (Anglo Saxon)
Eldora Prize wisdom (Anglo Saxon)
Eleanor Light (Greece)
Great and wise Elfreda (Germany)
Elfrida Peace (Germany)
Elfrida Quiet (Germany)
Fruit is sweet Elma (Turkey)
Elora Light (Greece)
Elpida Hope (Hebrew)
Elysia From Heaven (Greece)
Engrasia Anggun (Latin)
Erlinda Nimble (Hebrews)
Evanthe beautiful flowers (Greece) top
Fallon grandson ruler (Ireland)
Full Farica peace (Germany)
Fausta Luck (Latin)
Lucky Faustine (Latin)
The valuable Fawnia (Anglo Saxon)
Luckily Nigerian Fayola
Fedora Giving God (Greek)
Eager Fengguang burning (China)
Feodora Gift of God (Greek)
Fidela an honest woman (Latin)
Trustworthiness Fidelya France
Benevolent philia Peminpin (Hebrew)
Fiorenza Flower (Italy)
Fredelina Wise (Teutenik) top
Galena disease Healers (Greece)
Gaoqi High Integrity (China)
Insightful Gaozhan nice (China)
Garneta red gem (Latin)
Guild-covered gold (British)
Grania intimate Love (Celtic)
Women Grimonia venerable (Latin)
The girl Griselda persistent (Teutenik) top
Hafidhah Arab Maintainer
Haiyun virtuous (China)
Halona Lucky (Native American)
Full of glory Hannah (Hebrew)
Haruko's first birth (Japan)
Hedva Fun (Hebrew)
Hedy Sweet (Greece)
Hedy Britain Fun
Helga Alim (Germany)
Holy Helga (German)
Helonia lily (Greece)
Helsa Given to the Lord (Hebrew)
Hepziba Love (Hebrew)
Dear Honora (Latin)
Star Hoshi (Japan)
Hoshiko Star (Japan)
Huajin noble morality (China)
Light-inclined Huberta Tutenik top
Iolana Gliding like a hawk (Hawaii)
Irmadel aristocratic girl (Teutenik)
Isadora supreme Goddess (Latin)
The cool air Isaura (Greece) top
Jacinda Beautiful and interesting (Greece)
Jeconia Gifts from God (Hebrew)
Weak Jiaya supple (China)
Jibon Life (Hindi)
Jimi Substitute (Jewish)
Being praised Jingyi (China)
Jinxiu glorious future (China)
Jonea Greatness (Hebrew)
Jovita Jolly (Latin)
Jovita Both the liver (Latin)
Jovita Happiness (Latin)
June Truth (China) top
Kagami Mirror (Japan)
Kaia Earth (Greece)
Kaila Crown (Greece)
Kalani Heaven (Hawaii)
Kalani head of the tribe (Hawaii)
Kalea Light (Hawaii)
Flower Kalei (Hawaiian)
Kalena Pure (Hawaii)
Kalifa Holy Somalia
Pure Kalifa Somalia
Kalinda Sun (Hindi)
Kalyca bud roses (Greece)
Noble Kamea (Hawaiian)
Keziah Spices such as cinnamon (Jewish)
Kineta energetic (Greece)
Kostya Equipment (Slavic)
Kusuma Flower (Java)
Kynthia Goddess of the moon (Greek) top
Lalasa Affection (Hindi)
Landra Pembingbing (Germany)
Lareina Queen (Spain)
Lavina Sanctified (Latin)
Leandra Like a lion (Latin)
Leilani Flower Paradise (Hawaii)
Lianxiang Iba and soft in women (China)
Liqi Winning in a moment (China)
Quiet and calm Lishan (China)
Lixui Snow White (China)
Rich Lucretia (Latin)
Fighters Luigi (Italy)
Luvena Beloved (Hebrew) top
Magdala Fun (Greece)
Magena the full moon (Native American)
Malca Queen (Hebrew)
Mali Thai jasmine
Maribel Beautiful (France)
Excellent Marva (Latin)
Maxine The largest (France)
Mearah Riang excited (Ireland)
Reigning Medea (Greek)
First Megara (Greece)
Mehadi Interest (Hindi)
Mehri Good heart Persian
Mehri Persian sunny day
Meiying beautiful flower (China)
Melba Gentle (Greece)
Melba Slim (Greece)
Mengda minded intelligent (China)
Meredith Protector ocean (Wales)
Meriel shining sea (Ireland)
Milada My beloved (Czech)
Reputable Mingde nice (China)
Minowa singer (Native American)
Aroma Moana (Hawaii)
Moria Tuham Choice Male (Greece)
Morie Beach (Japan)
Soft and smooth Moyna (Celtic)
Friendship Mulin closely (China)
Mya Precious stones (Hawaii) top
Full of hope Nadine (French)
Nalani beautiful flowers (Hawaii)
Nara Happy (Greece)
Oak Nara (Japan)
Nasnan Singer (Native American)
Giving God Nathania (Hebrew)
Neila Champion (Ireland)
Nesha Pure (Native American)
Neva Snow (France)
Quiet and elegant Ningdei (China)
Nuria Light of God (Aramaic) top
Odina Mount Algoquin
Ofira Gold (Jewish)
Okalina Heaven (Hawaii)
Olinda Fragrant flowers (Latin)
Orea Mountains (Greece)
Orela Keputasan the gods (Latin)
Sunrise Oriana (Latin)
When dawn Oriana (Latin)
Starred golden Orlin (Greece)
Ormanda Duke (Latin) top
Panyun High Achievement (China)
Pasha Sea (Greece)
Peiyu Pure and pious (China)
Perlita Pearls (Italy)
Phaedra Light (Greece)
Phalosa Luminous (Greece) top
The future is bright Qiancheng (China)
Agile and pretty Qiaofeng (China)
Tree Qionglin snow (Chinese)
Qisheng energetic with a loud voice (China)
Being Qixuan impressive (China)
Rich Qujing seven generations (China) top
Radella Advisor (Germany)
Glad Radinka (Slavic)
Raina Supreme mighty (Germany)
Ransi brained brilliant (China)
Rashida Justice (Turkey)
Ratana Crystals Thailand
Reseda smell of flowers (Spain)
Flowers are fragrant aroma Reyhan (Turkish)
Ridong achievement and a big hand (China)
Swedish authorities Rica
Rongdan beautiful face (China)
Understanding Ronghui mdari bahasaah (China)
Roselani roses paradise (Hawaii)
Ruhua Young and beautiful (China) top
Salvia Seeds (Latin)
Samara seed tree (Latin)
Sarila Waterfalls (Turkey)
Sashuang brave and spirited heroine (China)
Saskia Human Protector (Hawaii)
Selena Moon (Greece)
Patron saint Selma (Germany)
Special Shafira Swahili
Shahia beautiful eyes Afghanistan
Sights Shanmimg inmdah (China)
Shatara Umbrella (Hindi)
Shatara hearted Friendly Arab
Singing Shira (Jewish)
Shira Welfare (Hebrew)
Shuoxue willing to learn very Giat (China)
Be noble and cheerful Shuwan (China)
Child star Sidra (Latin)
Hope Speranza (Italian)
Stina Sanctified (Germany)
Both the liver Thailand Sunee top
Tabia Talented (Swahili)
Tabitha Deer (Greece)
Tansy Abadi (Greece)
Tansy Persistence (Latin)
Tasanee Beautiful Thailand
Third Tertia (Latin)
Angels Tevy Cambodia
Tianzhi oath on behalf of the child's paradise (China)
Tongcai Smart People (China) top
Ulani Riang excited (Polynesian)
Umeko Patience (Japan) top
The chosen Vala (Germany)
The woman who pulled Czech Vondro
Valerie Strong (Latin) top
Widati Be very fragrant (Java)
Winda Hunters (Swahili)
Vienna Friends of (African)
Friend Winola charming (Germany)
Winona's oldest son (Lakota) top
Xianlun Polite and beautiful (China)
Developing and developed Xinxin (Chinese)
Xionglue Have a nice talent and broad vision (China) top
Zamira Songbook (Hebrew)
Zebediah Gift of God (Hebrew)
Zhilin leading disciple (China)
God Favored Zhiping (China)
Educated Zhishu and considerate (China)
Ziskind Son of a sweet guy (Jew)
Zita Dear Lover 

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